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Generator sets for a return to school without interruptions

Generator sets for a return to school without interruptions
  • The education sector needs to have reliable solutions that guarantee the electricity supply of installations.
  • Dagartech has carried out numerous projects for equipping education centres with generator sets.

January is the first month of the year. However, for many September symbolises that beginning, with the start of the new academic year and the return of students to the classrooms after their holiday period. At this time, education centres are prepared to open their doors again and receive their students.

There is an immense range of education centres: schools and universities with multiple installations and spaces in large cities, small schools in rural environments, and training projects in developing countries are just a few examples. These specificities also affect their energy needs. Generator sets are an important ally of education centres, guaranteeing the electricity supply against potential grid failures.

What generator sets are education centres equipped with?

Generator sets for schools and education centres are proposed as backup energy, to address potential outages or interruptions in supply. It is rare for a generator to be installed to act as a continuous power source. This may be the case in temporary sites or in developing countries, although it is uncommon.

Additionally, generator sets for schools and teaching centres usually have medium power ranges, from 20kVA to 250kVA. Exceptionally, when this type of installation has unique infrastructure, such as multimedia spaces, sports centres, recreational and catering areas, etc., the power needs increase, and there are projects where power requirements exceed 700kVA.

Simple, reliable generators

The key factor affecting the equipment and features of a generator or generators, as well as the technical complexity of the solution provided is tolerance to failure assumed in the target application. In other words, the installation will be as complete and reliable as required; the consequences that may arise from a “blackout” prolonged over time, or the need for a more or less immediate response from the generators will therefore be addressed. As is to be expected, the lower the tolerance to failure, the more expensive the solution will be.

In schools and teaching centres, there is a certain margin in the response, which we cannot allow in other applications, such as hospitals or data centres, for example. In this type of location, reliability in the response of the generator is expected, but an outstanding commitment is not required. Ultimately, it is most common to find a single emergency generator set without unique features or redundancies.

As is almost always the case, reliability in start-up will be directly related with the reliability of the key components that make up the generator. Having quality engines, alternators and electrical switchgears will be crucial for not compromising the start-up of the generator set.

Of course, undertaking proper maintenance of the generator will maximise the reliability of the installation.

No noise or distractions

Generator sets located in schools and education centres are usually installed in enclosed rooms and spaces away from teaching areas. Nevertheless, it is common for them to include soundproofing options with which to minimise the noise levels of the generators.

Two ranges of generator sets with which to cover the energy needs of education centres

Dagartech has different product ranges to respond to the various needs of teaching centres.

Emergency Balance Range

The generator sets of this range are the most popular option in installations seeking standard features in the generator and which do not require extreme levels of customisation.

Based on optimised standard equipment, multiple Kits and options are offered for complementing the generator set with the additional features required. In this way, flexibility is provided without making the generator set unnecessarily expensive.

This range is available from 10kVA up to 650kVA of power.

Grupos electrógenos de la gama Balance Emergencia

Industrial Range

The Industrial Range from Dagartech is the most suitable option when seeking a premium generator set in hospitality. These generators include great standard equipment, components of the highest quality and a multitude of options that offer full flexibility for customising the generator down to the last detail. It is available up to 770 kVA of power.

Grupos electrógenos de la gama Industrial

Proven, demonstrable experience in the hospitality sector, reasons to know that the next project will also be a success

We have provided common keys to numerous projects for the hospitality sector. However, each one of them is unique, and therefore opting for completely standardised, rigid solutions will never be a good option for any final application. Thus, the needs of a small mountain hotel or a large resort on the Caribbean coast will differ substantially.

This is why, with the aim of providing intelligent solutions adapted to the specificities of each installation, Dagartech, a company specialised in the customisation of generator sets, has extensive experience in the design and manufacture of generators for the hospitality sector. Its projects completed in this field are its best letter of presentation.





Liceo Europeo

Alcobendas, Madrid


700 KVA for operation

during grid failure.

University of Açores

Angra do Heroismo na Ilha Terceira Campus

Angra do Heroísmo


330 KVA for operation

during grid failure.

University of Seville



135 kVA for operation during

grid failure.

UNED Headquarters – Las Rozas

Las Rozas, Madrid


110 kVA for operation during

grid failure.

IES Cuarte de Huerva



110 kVA for operation during

grid failure.

Escola Secundária Henrique Medida em Esposende

Esposende, (PORTUGAL)

75 kVA for operation during

grid failure.

Colegio de Fomento Montearagón



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