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Generator units, another link to guarantee operability of the logistics chain

Generator units, another link to guarantee operability of the logistics chain
  • Continuous operability and availability have become two key aspects for standing out in a highly competitive global market.
  • Generator sets are the most reliable energy solution for guaranteeing operational availability.

The logistics sector has a significant specific weight in the Spanish business fabric, as well as being one of the sectors which will experience the greatest growth in the coming years, both in importance and business volume.

Today, the logistics sector makes up 7.9% of Spanish GDP. This figure rises to 10% if logistics activities carried out by industrial, commercial and service companies are added. In total, their business volume amounts to 111 billion euros, generated by the over one million people they employ in the company.

These figures are possible for two reasons: Firstly, a privileged position in the south of Europe, where the main goods traffic routes meet and the European Union (EU) expands toward the east. Spain has a perfect geographic situation for establishing itself as one of the logistics references of the continent. Additionally, over recent years, the advance of globalisation and internet use have driven online sales, and with them, the sales volume of these operators.

A sector seeking solutions to stand out in a globalised market

Globalisation opens the doors to many more clients, also increasing the list of competitors. Therefore, companies in the logistics sector allocate numerous resources to the integration of new methodologies and solutions that grant them competitive advantages with which to stand out from the rest. One of the most important has to do with their operativity and availability.

Emergency energy as a guarantee of the success of logistics activities

Generator units for logistics platforms usually operate during a grid failure; in other words, their use is limited to emergency situations, in which potential outages in the supply may occur.

Through constant monitoring of the grid, generators detect any anomaly or interruption in the electrical grid, automatically activating their operation. The switchboards with which these installations are equipped allow the passage of current from the generator to be shut off when the grid is re-established, and vice versa. In this way, the operativity of companies is guaranteed and there are no interruptions in their activity.

Diverse needs, multiple solutions

The logistics sector is made up of highly diverse operators and platforms, both in terms of services and their sizes. This is also the case for the ranges of power demanded and the characteristics associated with the generator set in each case.

Thus, it is difficult to establish a common scope of supply for projects for the logistics sector, although in general we find generators with more basic levels of features than in other applications – such as the hospital sector or data processing centres– and their power needs are what make a difference between projects.

Simple, reliable generators

The key factor affecting the equipment and features of a generator or generators, as well as the technical complexity of the solution provided is tolerance to failure assumed in the target application.

An outstanding commitment is required in the logistics sector. Therefore, it is common to find a single emergency generator set without unique features or redundancies.

Reliability in start-up will be directly related with the reliability of the key components that make up the generator. This is the reason why we always opt for assembling quality engines, alternators and electrical switchgears in all our generator sets, regardless of the range.

Additionally, undertaking proper maintenance of the generator will be vital for maximising the reliability of the installation and prolonging the lifespan of the generator unit.

Greater autonomy

Along with this guarantee of operation, a common demand is that of continuous supply over long periods of time, in case of interruption of the electricity supply. In this regard, integrated fuel tanks are often offered, with up to 48 hours of operation. If the demand for autonomy is even greater, automatic transfer systems can be integrated, which allow the generator to be fed from external tanks.

Two ranges of generator sets with which to cover the energy needs of education centres

Dagartech has different product ranges to respond to the various needs of teaching centres.

Dagartech, specialists in customised energy solutions for the logistics sector

Dagartech is notable for having products specially aimed at companies of the logistics sector, having completed important projects in this field.

Located in Zaragoza, Dagartech carries out the full design, development and manufacturing process for generator sets, having a team with extensive, proven experience in the energy generation sector.

About Dagartech

Dagartech is a Spanish company specialised in offering customised energy solutions. In this way, the company stands out for promoting unique projects that demand the maximum level of customisation, as well as designing, manufacturing and commercialising a large number of standard generator set products with powers ranging from 3 kVA to 2,000 kVA.

Dagartech generator sets are always developed considering the target application, the machine’s circumstances of use, the latest advances of the power generation market and the demands of clients. Therefore, with a clear orientation toward the needs of our clients, Dagartech has established itself as one of the main manufacturers of the Spanish market. The company currently has a stable presence in over 30 countries, with exports making up the main volume of its business.

The company has committed to innovation and has built up a human team with extensive experience in the energy generation sector. Quality and excellence form part of its present and pave the way for its future, which involves the company being certified on compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard.

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