
Dagartech generator sets guarantee power supply to a housing estate in Kinshasa

At Dagartech, we have recently completed a comprehensive design of an electrical installation project for the energy supply of a housing park of in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

With the electricity grid still unstable, and its scope still to be developed in some areas of the country, the installation has been conceived to use as its main source of energy that supplied by Dagartech generator sets, with the possibility of connecting this installation directly to the electricity grid in the future.

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The needs of the client

  • Installation to guarantee the electricity supply to a park of 63 homes, facilitating their subsequent connection to the electricity grid.
  • Design a scalable installation, as the number of residents in the housing stock increases.
  • Offer an optimal level of fuel consumption by designing an efficient installation.
  • Design the generator sets taking into account their context of application, so as to respect the noise levels that can be assumed in a housing estate.
  • Reduce as much as possible the maintenance and replacement tasks.
  • To provide the local support network with a comprehensive level of product knowledge, so that repair and maintenance work on the generator sets can be carried out under optimum conditions.

The Dagartech solution

    Specifically, the installation is designed to house 4 generators of 150 kVA in sync, when the housing stock is at 100% of occupation. With these 4 groups, the electricity needs of all the residents of the complex would be completely guaranteed.

    Currently, the housing stock already has 2 of these diesel generator sets, which are soundproofed and installed in synchronism and working at full capacity, to meet the current electricity needs.

    The flexibility with which this installation has been conceived enables it to be scaled up progressively, as the occupancy rate of the properties grows, although this is not the only advantage it offers. With this scalable installation model, based on increasing the number of generator sets in operation according to the power required, we also ensure that the installed generator sets work under optimum charge conditions, in order to avoid long-term breakdowns in the generator sets due to low charge operation. It also optimises the consumption level, thus making the installation much more efficient.

    The installed generator sets are equipped with a switching system and integrated remote management equipment, so that the generator sets communicate with the remote assistance and after-sales service team and alert them to possible faults or maintenance requirements.


    By incorporating an automatic filling pump, we also managed to increase the autonomy of the units considerably, reducing maintenance tasks.

    In addition, with the incorporation of quality components and a high level of standardisation, we achieve highly reliable units, while making maintenance and component replacement activities easier.

    Another of the services offered as part of this project is training and education of a network of local support professionals, guaranteeing that all the tasks mentioned above are undertaken in an optimal manner, so that the useful life of the generator sets and the entire electrical installation is longer.


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